Best friends don't need to post their pics together to show how close they are

Best friends don’t need to post their pics together

Best friends don’t need to post their pics together to show how close they are. Mostly, they don’t even have many pics together. They are so busy creating and living those memories together that capturing that west of time.Best friends don't need to post their pics together to show how close they are

It’s like being your soul. You don’t need a selfie with soul to feel close.

Our generation is so engrossed in social media and we have totally turned a blind eye to how drastically it is affecting our personal and professional life. We go to a restaurant and order sth, we’ll taste it later but post it first with a catchy caption and make others feel hungry even if they were not thinking about food a fraction of seconds ago. May be life is not as fancy as it looks like in our feed.

Your friend is posting her pictures with some other friends of her but that does not necessarily mean that she loves them more than she loves you. May be she was in love with the picture only and thought it was good enough to post and get some likes.

Ask yourself do you need a public display of affection from her or just a good relationship between you and her that does not need to be measured by these not so smart parameters. If she is there for you always, accepts you for who you are and what you are, and knows your value, then she is an amazing friend even if she doesn’t post a picture with you:)

So yes, Best friends don’t need to post their pics together to show how close they are.

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