Hey reader here are Best quotes for Ex that can make you feel better. Best Quotes that will help you get over him? Or quotes that can help you express your anger.

Algebra is my favorite subject…because you can replace my X without asking me Y.

Behind every untrusting girl, is a boy who lied, cheated, and broke his promises to her.

Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because his new girlfriend looks like a horse.

Everything I used to love about you is what I hate the most about you now

Going back to your ex is like reading a book you have already read. The outcome will always be the same.

If a girl understands your bullshit, sticks around through all your mistakes, and smiles even though you’ve done nothing for her. Then it’s obvious she’s a keeper, but it’s also obvious you don’t deserve her.

If you and your ex are still friends, it means you two never really loved each other, or you’re still in love.

If your ex texts you saying ‘I miss you’ that means the other person they tried to replace you with failed.

It only takes one bad boyfriend to realise that you deserve so much more.

My ex? We’re not friends, we’re not enemies. We’re just strangers with some memories.

My ex-boyfriend’s status said suicidal and standing on the edge. So I poked him.

Never get jealous when you see your ex with someone else because our parents taught us to give our used toys to the less fortunate.

Nobody cares about the past; they care about the present, so get over him!!!

One relationship ends but life goes on. Your ‘Ex’ was just a stepping stone to something better.

R.I.P to the feelings that I had for you.

We all have that one person we would take back in a second, no matter how much they hurt us in the past.

When your ex says “you’ll never find anyone like me” Just smile and reply “that’s the point”.

You can’t start the next chapter if you keep re-reading the last one.

Good quotes for your Ex

You were my life, my sun, my everything. Now you are just my ex boyfriend.

Now when I look at my ex boyfriend, I think I was being drunk whole time in our relationship.

Think of past is like thing what was like before. Let the bygones be bygones, let the bad boyfriend be ex boyfriend.

All the moments we had, good or bad, now the are only ex moments, that I will try to forget. Together with you my ex boyfriend…

When you see me again, you will wish you never let me go. But you will still be another ex boyfriend, just a previous love, lost time.

If you were actually a full length film, I will watch you over and over again, everyday even if you are three hours long. And I will never get neither exhausted nor bored. I love you my man!

I can’t find the perfect quote to convey what I feel for you, so here I am simply saying I love you!

I can’t promise you that we will always be physically together but I can promise you one thing, I will always be with you. In your heart and in your thoughts, I will stay and remain in there. Darling, I love you!

I am giving you this promise that I will be with you always even if death takes my life away. Much love for you my Sweetie!

I neither dreamed nor wished of having someone like you in my life because I know that it is quite impossible for a girl like me but heavens blessed me because He gave me you.

I love you like how Winnie the Pooh loves honey. It maybe corny and funny but I just want to let you know how much I love you my Honey!

Our relationship is all that I have; I will not trade it with anything no matter how broke I get.

I took a peek into your mind, then I saw how much you really love me, you love me more than your own self. I love you darling!

My entire world will be a total nonsense if you did not come into my life. You are the only sense to all of my nonsense. I love you babe!

Whenever you see the sun rise up in the morning, please be reminded that I am falling in love with you more and more each time the sun rises up. Much love sweetie!

The love that we have between us is comparable to a journey. As long as my heart is beating, I will travel with you.

The look in your eyes whenever you are with me gives me an assurance that I am the luckiest lady in town. I love you!

You are the only person alive who made a huge and significant difference in my life. Thank you for that honey and always keep that in mind.

Whenever you kiss me, I always have this feeling that I want to be in the sky and sing with the stars. I love you!

You are the brightest star in my whole sky. Hugs and Kisses!

I only want one thing; it is to be with you every now and then. Much love!

I do not know if my mind is pre-programmed to always think of you because I just can’t stop doing so. I love you baby!

You are the motivation why I was finally capable to perceive my significance without you hurting me.

You are the explanation at the back of all the smiles and grins that I have in my face.

You are not a knight in an alluring and glittering armor but you are for all time my one and truest hero. Thank you for saving me!

You are just precisely the sort of man that I am dreaming of. How propitious and lucky I am to have you. Kisses for you babe!

Knowing that you are at all times next to me makes my heart relaxed and cheerful.

I’m pleased that universe gave me you my sweet man. I love you!

I will be devoted to you and I am keeping you for eternal time. I love you sweetie!

I overpoweringly love you. I do and I sincerely mean it. You are the only one for me, my hero!

I for all time beams when someone says your name. Even your name my love alone brings me joyfulness. I love you!

I do not really heed how I will depart this life as long as I get to spend the rest of my cherished life with you baby.

I at all times have enjoyment and delight with you even if we are not doing something or nothing at all. I presume that is the thrilling magic of love.

I am so worn-out. So worn-out of thinking about you all day long my knight. I love you darling!

I am grateful to you for loving me throughout the period when I don’t even make out how to love myself.

I am forever and a day prepared to settle and be with you no matter how distant you will go and no matter how complicated the journey will be.

I am akin to the fact that I purely love you. No query. No explanation. No buts. No ifs.

Every day is a grand day for me most particularly when I am with you.

Even if destiny will keep us at a distance your name and your love for me were already tattooed in my spirit.

Each daybreak keeps me reminded that I have another one marvelous day to use up with you.